When it comes to summer getaways, there’s just something about a family road trip that’s a little more exciting than other options.
Whether it’s hitting the American highways to visit as many states as you can, or heading a bit further afield to somewhere like Australia or New Zealand and renting a camper van, there are endless opportunities.
The only thing you need to worry about is surviving with a car full of kids – or adults, at times!
There are plenty of top tips for travelling with the family out there on the internet, such as making a solid checklist before you hit the road, or packing plenty of snacks, but we’ve rounded up five of the best.
Tip #1: Pre-Plan
Pre-planning is probably the number one survival tip when it comes to family road trips.
Make sure you have an itinerary in place so you’re able to get from one place to the other with ease and avoid unnecessary arguments. Of course, you don’t have to be tied to this completely, but making sure you have something there to adhere to will ensure you start your vacation off in the right way.
Pre-planning also means ensuring you have all the necessary travel documents sorted and anything such as day trips and excursions all booked in advance.
Tip #2: Leave Plenty Of Time
There’s nothing worse than rushing from one place to the next, especially when you throw kids into the mix.
Leave more than enough time to get from point A to point B; taking into account traffic, potential accidents, stopping time, as well as things like getting lost and veering off the beaten track (if you fancy exploring a bit along the way).
Tip #3: Travel Entertainment
Books, games, laptops and tablets – pack them all!
Pre-plan your entertainment strategy for the kids (and yourself) to stay sane. Download any music, TV shows or movies in advance so you don’t have to worry about running out of things to watch or listen to along the way.
For you, or other adults whenever you aren’t the designated driver, make sure you have a playlist (or ‘watchlist’), which you can lose yourself in while travelling and just give yourself time to relax.
Tip #4: Try Something Different
Road trips are fun, but you can make them even more exciting.
If you have time, try to invent your own little games prior to the trip. For example, who will be the first to spot this landmark, or who can count the most amount of red cars on the journey? It’ll be fun, new, and also keep the kids off digital devices for a bit.
Tip #5: Regular Stops
Regular stops will ensure your travelling companions don’t get too cranky and are also quite essential when you think about it (toilet break alert!). Aiming to stop every two to three hours is probably a good starting point.
Not only do you get regular breaks out of the car and a chance to stretch your legs, but you’ll also get to see more of your surroundings. Bonus point!
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