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Girls Movie Night With My Little Pony
My Little Pony: A New Generation – The perfect girls movie night with amazing positive messages.
The Good And The Beautiful – Best Homeschooling Curriculum Reviewed
Many families have been thrown into this beautiful world of homeschooling over the last year. Many, against their will… yet a good amount of families has been loving their experience and realized the beauty in homeschooling. Today I want to tell you more about The Good And The Beautiful, an […]
5 Money-Making Gigs You Can Do While Traveling
Are you looking for ways to finance your travels on the road? Those are 5 money-making gigs you can work on while traveling!
Monster Jam 2021 – COVID Safe With Feld Entertainment
Can you believe that it has nearly been a full year of navigating the COVID waters already? It is our world for the time being and I am thrilled to see companies putting everything in place to keep us safe and entertained. A few weeks ago, Feld Entertainment hosted their […]
Nat Geo Kids Books – Best Books For Elementary Students
If you have kids like mine, who could spend hours reading facts and learning about animals and the world around them, you are constantly looking at ways to keep them engaged and learning. Our family’s all-time favorites have been the National Geographic Kids Books. Let me tell you why we […]