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Let me start by saying this to all parents of a colicky baby out there: I swear it gets better. I know your nights are long and your days, even longer… I know your tears are rolling at the sound of your baby crying in pain as you feel there is nothing you can do to help her. But hang in there, Mama! Hang in there… It will get better and I am sharing several tips that helped us through those terrible colics!
I am the oldest of 5 girls. I was always surrounded with babies – happy babies! Babies who would sleep most of the day, wake up to eat, be happily awake for a little while, before going back to sleep.
Then my daughter was born. And this perfect little girl was so precious, but within days, she started crying non-stop. The colics lasted 3 entire months – day and night. I felt helpless. There seemed to be nothing I could do to help her. My child was in pain and I was unable to soothe her at first.
Early on, I quickly found 3 ways to keep her from crying:
- carrying her facing forward, in a seated position
- going on stroller rides in her car seat (carrycot did not help with her discomfort)
- giving her a bath
So our days were spent walking around the kitchen island, interrupted by 2 walks, and 3 baths a day. Every day… I was exhausted, she was in pain. But I was against giving her medicine so early, and this is what I did.
1- Gripe Water
The first few weeks were incredibly hard and I had reached out to my sister-in-law, whose daughter had terrible stomach pains from being a premature baby. Since I did not want to give Ava anything but natural remedies, she recommended looking into Gripe water.
She explained that the Gripe water dissolves the gas in the babies’ bellies, that it was all natural and made from charcoal and plants such as fennel and ginger, which I knew had medicinal benefits in case of stomach pains.
I remember crying one night, holding my daughter in our living room and telling Christian that, however much I wanted to stay away from any sort of remedies, we needed to drive to the closest drug store to get Gripe water.
And so we did. We purchased the Colic Calm Homeopathic Gripe Water. It has charcoal in it so make sure to protect baby’s clothing before giving her the drops. Also, do not be alarmed if your baby has very dark bowel movements. It is all natural.
I tried to give Ava as little Gripe Water as I could, even though it couldn’t have harmed her… I just never was a fan of giving medication to my babies. I can say that it helped tremendously! In those first few weeks, when her pain was crippling, I would give her a few drops before feeding her and it just removed that edge and soothed her!
2- Cut Milk From My Diet
3 of our kids’ 4 grand-parents are doctors overseas. My mom reached out to her pediatrician colleague who said something that I thought, at the time, was ridiculous. But I was ready to try anything for take the pain away from Ava’s little body!
He said that my baby might have an intolerance to lactose and that cutting cow milk off of my diet might help, since I was exclusively breastfeeding.
I went from drinking a ton of milk, to none. At first, I replaced it with soy milk, which I disliked and it did not seem to help with her colics. So I simply removed any kind of milk from my diet, and I saw the first bit of major improvement in Ava’s colics! She was immediately a lot more comfortable.
She is 6 years old today and clearly doesn’t have any lactose intolerance. I am not sure whether she grew out of it or if she ever had intolerance to start with… but cutting milk from my diet helped us tremendously! And I pro-actively did this for my 2nd and 3rd children. No way I was talking a chance at colics and it was a very small price to pay to keep them all comfortable!
3- Drink Several Cups of Stomach-Ease Tea Each Day
Since cutting milk from diet was helping so much, I figured that I could get my baby helpful nutrients through the milk. I started drinking 2 large cups of Stomach-Ease tea every morning. Since I had to replace the milk with another liquid, I thought this was worth a try.
I went to a local organic store, and the wonderful owner pointed out to the Yogi Stomach Ease herbal tea. It is a USDA Organic 100% Natural herbal tea, which supports healthy digestion. It has a blend of licorice root, cardamon seed, fennel seed, coriander seed, peppermint seed, ginger root, and black pepper. I honestly thought it tasted delicious, which was a clear plus!
I was stunned at the results. Ava started doing so much better as soon as I started drinking this herbal tea. I ended up deciding to have another large cup later in the day. Ever since that time, we always keep this Stomach Ease tea stocked in our kitchen and we drink it as soon as one of us feels discomfort. I have given it to our children as well, since it is caffeine-free! It is a wonderful natural remedy against stomach pain.
Overcoming Baby Colics
Having a baby with colics is exhausting and very stressful on the parents. While their little bodies get adjusted to processing milk and gas, there are ways to reduce the pain naturally.
Those 3 techniques worked wonderfully well for us and we started seeing improvements within a day or two of implementing each step. Cutting off the milk in my diet and drinking herbal tea worked so well that we only used about a fifth of the gripe water bottle we bought for Ava.
If you have any questions or simply need to unwind, please use the comment box below. I know how lonely those weeks can be and talking through it can help tremendously! Remember that most babies will feel better by the time they reach 3 or 4 months. Hang in there, you are doing a great job, Mommy!
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