This post was sponsored by SonicGuard and as always, all opinions expressed in my article are my own.
You guys might remember my post on 4 facts to keep your family safe from ticks naturally. Our family has been very unlucky with ticks over the years, and we have been loving SonicGuard’s natural protector. We’ve been using the shoe clips and house plugin for over 6 months now, and no one has come home with a tick!
If you’re here for the discount code and want to skip the fun facts on dust mites, use discount code LAURA10 for 10% off of your SonicGuard order.
So here’s another no-brainer, but for your bedrooms and living room this time!
What Do You Know About Dustmites?
When I was a kid, my mom taught me to make my bed before leaving for school. I was to pull the comforter all the way up to the pillow and stick the comforters inside the bed frame for a neat and tidy look.
This is how I teach my kids to make their beds: open up your bed, fold the comforter onto the bottom third of your bed. Give your pillow and mattress as much air as possible!
I want their beds to get as much fresh air as possible. I definitely don’t want it warm and cozy for dust mites to have a party on their mattress!
But What Are Dust Mites?
Per the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH), dust mites are “microscopic, insect-like pests that commonly live in house dust. They feed on flakes of dead skin, or dander, that are shed by people and pets. [They] are a big source of allergens and can worsen allergies and asthma. Dust mites can live in mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture, carpets, and curtains in your home.”
If you want any more information on them, click here! But that is really enough information to give me a good idea of how gross and omni-present dust mites are in my, and your, home!
As the NIH states, “no matter how clean a home is, dust mites cannot be completely eliminated.” So really, even if you are keeping your home and beds super clean, you have a whole army of dust mites living under your roof!
As SonicGuard best states it: “Ten percent of the weight of a two-year old pillow can be composed of dead dust mites.” Your pillow can double its weight in 5 years from live and dead dust mites.
What Is The Risk Of Dust Mites?
Per the American Lung Association, dust mites are “one of the major triggers for people with allergies and asthma. These allergens cause an immune system response, known as allergic rhinitis.”
Should you have a reaction to dust mites, you can expect anything from “an occasional runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing to persistent sneezing, cough, congestion, facial pressure, or severe asthma attack.”
What To Do Against Dust Mites
While no one in our household seems to have reactions to dust mites, all of the facts above are enough to make me want to protect us.
Here are some easy and natural things you can do to help nearly eliminate dust mites in your home:
1- Reduce humidity
Dust mites thrive is humid places since they absorb moisture from the air, the same way you and I drink water… Keep your home below 50% humidity with the help of air conditioning and dehumidifiers. On drier days, open your windows early in the morning to let in fresh and dry air.
2- Reduce the places dust mites can grow
If you can, get rid of drapes and curtains and try to favor flat and smooth surfaces in furniture. You can also wrap your pillows and mattress in dust-proof or allergen impermeable covers.
3- Wash your bed sheets
Once a week, wash your bed sheets and blankets in hot 130- to 140-degree water to kill dust mites.
4- Replace your carpet
If you have reactions to dust mites, consider replacing your carpets and rugs with hard flooring and use a damp mop to clean.
5- Plug in a SonicGuard Miteless in every bedroom and living room
As I said, we’ve been loving the ultrasonic tick protection by SonicGuard, and the Miteless line against dust mites is a no-brainer for us.
It is a chemical-free dust mite repeller, preventing dust mites from reproducing, until eventually, 90% to 95% of them die and disappear. It works just like the tick and flea products and uses ultrasonic waves that keep away dust mites but are safe to human adults, kids, and babies.
Why Use SonicGuard Miteless
SonicGuard‘s line of products is highly effective in keeping ticks, fleas, and dust mites away in a safe and natural manner.
The Miteless line comes with 2 different products:
- Miteless Home is the perfect tool for bedrooms and living rooms. Simply plug it in the wall and with regular cleaning, you can expect to feel amazing results in about 6 weeks. This plugin protects a room of about 300 square feet.
- Miteless Go is a great tool to keep with you on the go and attach onto a baby’s stroller or keep somewhere in your car – it is the portable version of the Miteless Home, working with the same technology.
By using SonicGuard Miteless, you can expect to breathe easier within about 6 weeks. Watch your symptoms diminish as the dust mite population stops reproducing, leaving you with a cleaner environment to breathe in!
If you are ready to purchase a Miteless protection, head OVER HERE and use discount code LAURA10 for 10% off your order!!
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