Note from Laura:
I am so excited to bring in Konrad, the co-founder of TripScout, as he shares his 5 tips on picking the right restaurant while traveling. Konrad has traveled to over 100 countries and started TripScout, a free travel app currently ranked in the top 10 Magazines & Newspapers apps in the App Store!
If you are serious about traveling and find yourself dreaming about your next trip, you will want to download TripScout to uncover your next destination and gather inspiration from local influencers and top publishers in the area. I am on that app nearly every day right now, looking up cities around the world as we plan our world trip! Click HERE for the demo video. I’m really excited about TripScout and pumped to have Konrad speak with us today! He is the man called “modern day Marco Polo” by Forbes!!
So, without further ado, here are Konrad’s top 5 tips to picking the right restaurant while traveling!
1- Avoid Greeters
We’ve all been to those touristy cities, especially in Europe, where restaurants have greeters jump on you on the street, menu or tasting plate in hand, trying to lure you into their establishment.
Konrad avises against entering restaurants with a street greeter, assuring us that “there is a reason they need someone on the street coercing you through the door.”
Rather pick naturally full restaurants where the crowd seems to genuinely gather around a good meal.
2- Avoid TripAdvisor
While I’m a big fan of TripAdvisor when it comes to hotel / restaurant / experience reviews, Konrad does have a really good point. He states that “if it is highly ranked on TripAdvisor, don’t go. It is likely a tourist trap.”
When I think of my hometown’s locals’ favorites, I would never think of rating them on TripAdvisor. I am probably more likely to give them a high rating on Google Maps and in recent years, we have heavily relied on Google’s ratings.
3- Ask Locals Where They Eat
You’ve guessed it – this is my favorite advice on finding good restaurants while traveling. Over the years, we’ve taken every possible chance to ask locals and expats where they eat, and what local experiences we should partake in. We have created, that way, some of our favorite and most memorable memories in all countries.
Konrad mentioned that: “locals will always know their own cities better than you. If a restaurant has earned the repeat business of locals, it is doing something right.”
On that note, remember to return the favor to travelers in your hometown. I actually get really excited when I am asked what to do and where to eat in Orlando!!
4- Follow Local Bloggers
Konrad is so right with this. “A local food blogger is a way better source than the reviews of thousands of tourists,” he says.
And this is where I love using his platform, TripScout. It is full of local bloggers, influencers, and publishers, sharing their best finds with travelers. Local bloggers have the knowledge of their local areas and get invited to new openings, so they’re always aware of the best around and love sharing their favorites on their platforms!
5- Don’t Overthink It
I am so happy that Konrad added this one to his tips. Don’t overthink it. It’s that simple.
See something that attracts you? Whether it’s the decor, the ambiance, what you see on someone’s plate, the crows in there, or simply a gut feeling, go for it! Follow your instinct.
As Konrad says it best: “Sometimes you just have to wander into a restaurant and let them take the lead. If you never risk having a bad meal, you’ll never have a truly memorable one.”
So what do you think? Are you ready to experiment in your next destination?
Have more tips, share them with us below!
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